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PatternFly Elements 2.0 Preview

Migrating PFE to LitElement


Following two months of effort we're happy to announce the next major version of PatternFly elements is now available in prerelease. PatternFly Elements 2.0 migrates our existing component set to Lit and TypeScript, simplifies and speeds up the build toolchain, improves the developer experience, and improves the documentation with generated element manifests. In this post, we'll explore the changes in detail, but first we should review what our goals were.


The goals of this project were up with two terms: UX (User Experience) and DX (Developer Experience). We wanted to improve both without damaging either. The changes made during this effort worked towards supporting either or both of these goals.

From a technical / engineering perspective, there were two major goals going into this project:

  1. Adopt LitElement to improve maintainability
  2. Package up our toolchain for external projects to use

LitElement was important to us so that we could focus on our design system instead of maintaining a custom element base class and attendant custom build tooling. Along with LitElement, we also chose to adopt TypeScript to make development at scale more consistent and clear.

Our goal in packaging build tooling was to make web components development more enticing for teams that do not work primarily within the NPM ecosystem.


Going in to the migration, we had lots of ideas for improving and changing components. We tried hard to make all our API changes backwards-compatible, i.e. to deprecate unwanted APIs without removing them. We also chose to defer most of the larger API changes to subsequent PRs, in a (perhaps vain) attempt to limit the scope.

Handling a Giant PR

Perhaps foolishly, but perhaps unavoidably as well, we combined all of these changes into one massive, long-lived feature branch. This raised a number of difficulties, like how to do code review on a GitHub PR with 1300+ changed files (GitHub won't even display that many changes). The solution that we settled into involved regular rebases to combine per-package changes into single commits, so for example, all the changes for <pfe-card> were concentrated in a single commit labelled feat(card)!: migrate to lit, with smaller changes listed in the commit body.

This isn't a great way-of-working. Force-pushing to feature branches should generally be discouraged, and rebasing large branches can be frought. Although we did manage the transition this way competently, we can't recommend this approach to every team or any circumstance.

With that preamble behind us, let's take a look at the changes we've made.

User-Facing Changes

Renamed slots and attributes

Gains: Simplified markup, web components best-practices

PFE 1 used slots names and attributes with prefixes like pfe-card--header. In PFE 2 we simplified names like that to header. This is in line with web components community best practices and conventions and simplifies element APIs, amking them easier to use. The old slots will still work, until the next major version, so upgrading should be smooth.

Renamed events and deprecated CustomEvent

Gains: API surface, semantics, stricter types

CustomEvent is a throwback to a time when the spec did not allow us to subclass Event. Now that we can, we can prefer to define our own event classes. This lets us validate event's data at run time, use instanceof to validate them in listeners, and generally improve API readability. Events are still composed, so analytics code should be able to pick them up.

As well, events like pfe-clipboard:copied are renamed (in their new form) to copied, for simplicity, and framework compatibility.

The old CustomEvent-based events are still used, under their old names, until the next version, to aid in migration

Removed <pfe-navigation> and <pfe-content-set>

The decision was taken to move <pfe-navigation> <pfe-content-set> downstream to Red Hat's design system. This frees up PFE to concentrate on lower-level components

Developer-Facing Changes

Most of the action in this change should be more-or-less invisible to end users, and mostly has to do with how we write components internally.

Adopting Lit

Gains: maintainability, performance, complexity

Version 1 of PFE used a custom PFElement base class, which implemented a wide variety of features, some related to DOM templating and component lifecycle, others related to analytics, still more related to colour context. PFElement served us well, but the time came to move on. The DOM templating and component lifecycle features are the main reason we're switching to Lit - they are well maintained there, so removing that code from PFE frees us up to 'move up the stack' and focus on UI problems. Other features like colour context, analytics events, etc, could therefore be replaced by reactive controllers and typescript decorators, allowing component authors to add them to elements a la carte. This will result in smaller javascript payloads for some pages

Adopt TypeScript

Gains: code correctness, API documentation, developer ergonomics

TypeScript allows us to find and eliminate bugs before they hit production. In the process of converting components, several of these types of problems were identified and ameliorated. TypeScript also lets us develop faster and with confidence, as the objects in our project and their behaviour are now are well-defined. As well, adopting TypeScript is an a11y feature for contributors, as the IDE features of ts language server let them access information about the objects 'under their cursor' faster, without having to page back and forth between docs (as much)

Adopt Custom Elements Manifest

Gains: standards, complexity, bundle size, tooling

This PR removes the custom manifest schema developed for PFE in favour of the custom elements manifest, a community standard for documenting javascript packages, particularly geared to web components. By documenting our components in the manifest, tooling such as docs-site generators and IDEs will be able to understand the contents of our components and their abilities without requiring us to ship that code over the wire to end users.

In particular, our 11ty docs site now uses the generated manifests to generate docs pages.

Adopt a 'buildless' development workflow

Gains: Developer's time

Contributors no longer need to keep a file watcher to re-compile components when working on elements. Instead, source files (typescript and sass) are compiled on-the-fly by the dev server. Just install dependencies and run npm start

Adopt Playwright for E2E and visual regression tests

Update to dart-sass

Gains: build performance, language features, security

node-sass is deprecated. Updating to dart-sass improved performance and made new language features available.

Rewrite the element generator

Gains: fewer dependencies

Removed the dependency on yeoman and rewrote the element generator to generate LitElements for PFE. once published, contributors will be able to npm init @patternfly/element

Add @patternfly/pfe-tools

Gains: Simplify root repository, unblock template repo

Users wishing to develop their own set of elements based on patternfly will be able to clone a template repo and import tooling helpers from @patternfly/pfe-tools. This will include things like

Add Linting Rules

Gains: code standards, readability, consistency

This PR adds eslint rules for PFE. It's recommended to install an ESLint plugin for your editor and enable "fix on save"

Add Lighthouse Testing in CI

Gains: performance and a11y visibility

PRs will now be tested using lighthouse against each element's demo page and the results formatted and printed to the PR thread

Commitlint Reporting

Gains: repo consistency

Commitlint errors and warnings will now be reported to the PR thread.

What's Next for PatternFly elements?

We have a lot of (dare I say) exciting plans for this project going forward that we'd itching to share with you, but until then, and while we're in pre-release, it's best to keep a few things in mind:

  1. The APIs in pfe-core and some of the components aren't 100% stable yet, so if you're planning to build something based on our tools and library, subscribe to releases and read the changelogs carefully
  2. We're eager to receive feedback on the tools and libraries we've developed for this release. Think we could have named something better? Have an idea for a controller or library function? Can't escape your drive to refactor? Send us an issue

We have a lot more ideas to share with you in the near future, so stay tuned.

In the mean time, enjoy the PatternFly Elements 2.0 release!

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